But love your enemies, and do good, and lend, expecting nothing in return; and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High; for He Himself is kind to ungrateful and evil men. –Luke 6:35
There are many facets to life at Concord Friends. In addition to weekly services we have many programs that include all members of the congregation with activities and services that are fun, serve the community, and contribute to God’s work. Listed below are just a few examples of active lives in Christ:

Community Cupboard – Food for those in need. Located near Family Life Center door off Concord Church Road. Help us spread the word.
- Choir—under director Robin Williams and accompanist Joanne Bennett, our choir has dedicated themselves to singing praise and sharing His message through their music. In addition to regular services, they perform Christmas and Easter cantatas, and collaborate with other churches in the area. New members are always welcome!
- Women’s Group—our active women’s group serve those in need throughout our area year round. They dedicate their time and efforts to improve the lives of others from food baskets during the holidays, school supplies for needy children, and contribute money for missionary work in several parts of the world. They also regularly hold fundraisers to help pay for these projects.
- Family Life Center—since 2008 the Family Life Center has been an important place for our congregation. We host a Community Breakfast the first Wednesday of each month. Our fund raiser meals attract many members of the community with mouth-watering meals like BBQ, fish fries, and country ham. This goes along with youth group meetings, Blood Drives, and many other events. Be sure to check out the calendar for upcoming events!
- Men’s Group—our men’s group meets the first Sunday of every month to share in breakfast, discussion of current church activities, and great fellowship. For the last 30 years we have held our famous BBQ Sale and Dinner, as well as an annual fish fry to help fund our youth ministry activities. Many of our members volunteer time with organizations throughout our area, including the NC Friends Disaster Service. Membership is open to all males in the Meeting.
- Youth Group—our active youth group plans a variety of activities throughout the year. They participate in service projects in our communicty and work hard to stay in the Word while living in the world. . .
- Friends in Fellowship — On several occassions each year we plan special trips for “expereinced” Friends, sometimes called seniors. Previous stops have been the Zoo, the Old Mill at Guilford, or a tour of local Christmas displays. You never know where this bunch will end up, but they travel together and care for one another in a wonderful way.